Setting sp_configure values with SQLChecks

As of v1.0 SQLChecks now contains the Set-SpConfig command that allows you to take a file that documents a server configuration (specifically sp_configure values) and apply that configuration to a server. The configuration file is the same one used by Pester tests (perhaps in combination with something like dbachecks), which means you now have a mechanism to document, test, and set your server's configuration.

In order to apply the configuration to a single server you would run the following PowerShell (note that SQLChecks configuration files contain the instance name, which is why we don't have to specify a server):

  Read-SqlChecksConfig "c:\configs\localhost.config.json" `
| Set-SpConfig -Verbose

Running in verbose means that it'll output progress as it changes a value, as well as a summary as it finishes (x/y config values updated).

Note the command compares the configured value against the expected value - if the configured value is correct but the runtime value is wrong then this will neither fail the Pester tests, nor update the value when using Set-SpConfig.

You can easily apply changes to a whole estate of servers by using the below script, which will find every config file in a folder (or subfolder) and apply the sp_configure values to the servers.

Get-ChildItem -Filter *.config.json -Recurse `
| Read-SqlChecksConfig `
| Set-SpConfig -Verbose

Under the hood this command leverages the dbatools library, specifically the commands Get-DbaSpConfigure and Set-DbaSpConfigure. These commands both end up creating SMO objects which are pretty costly in terms of time compared to a hand-rolled T-SQL solution to check/set these values.

There is a GitHub issue around performance, and Microsoft have said to 'expect dramatic improvement in the coming months' in this UserVoice issue related to SMO. If the performance improvements don't arrive or are not dramatic enough, adding some custom commands will probably be worth doing (especially if you are checking a lot of values over a lot of servers).