Adding caching to your PowerShell scripts

Most of the time when some part of a script takes a long time to run and you want to re-use the result you'll store it in a variable:

$databases = Get-ListOfDatabases # assume this is an expensive/long-running query
Invoke-SomeOperation -Server serverOne -Databases $databases
Invoke-SomeOtherOperation -Server serverOne -Databases $databases

As long as the function you're calling allows you to pass in the 'expensive' argument you're fine - but what about cases when the computation takes place inside the function:

Invoke-SomeOperation -Server serverOne # internally calls Get-ListOfDatabases
Invoke-SomeOtherOperation -Server serverOne # internally calls Get-ListOfDatabases

Sometimes it makes sense to rework the script to accept the argument, though other times it can be cleaner to modify the call site to cache the result, rather than changing every function to accept and potentially pass through that argument.

The rest of this post will go through a specific example that motivated caching, share a generic function that implements scriptblock-based caching, and call out a few and gotchas.

The Problem

The SQLChecks library contains a set of Pester tests that are designed to compare expected configuration against actual configuration. The first step of any per-database check is to query the instance (Get-DatabasesToCheck) and get a list of databases to test. This query can end up being very slow (tens of seconds) when the server has a lot of availability group databases.

The typical invocation looks something like this (simplified for clarity):

foreach ($config in Get-SqlChecksConfigs -Path "...") {
foreach ($check in Get-SqlChecks $config) {
Invoke-Pester -Check $check -Config $config # calls Get-DatabasesToCheck

This pattern is used to enable test results to be sent to Log Analytics as each test completes, rather than waiting for the whole batch to finish. If we weren't looping through tests each Pester test file would only be called once, and the performance issue wouldn't exist.

For each $config-$check combination we'll end up calling the Get-DatabasesToCheck function. The resulting list of databases shouldn't change between checks, so without caching we can end up spending a lot of time waiting to build the list of databases, scaling linearly as we add more checks/more databases.

The wrapper code to run the tests is fairly generic, and supports running tests against the server, the SQL instance, or databases (and potentially other facets in the future). To keep the wrapper code generic and make things performant, I added caching inside the Get-DatabasesToCheck function.

Adding Caching

I wanted to keep the call site changes small (so that any tests against the function Get-DatabasesToCheck were testing that function, not the caching logic). The changes in the function itself end up being very minimal:

# before
$queryResults = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $serverInstance -query $query

# after
$queryResults = Get-CachedScriptBlockResult -Key $serverInstance -ScriptBlock {
Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $serverInstance -query $query

The Get-CachedScriptBlockResult function looks like this:

Function Get-CachedScriptBlockResult {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


if (-not (Get-Variable -Name $CACHE_VARIABLE_NAME -Scope Global -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
Set-Variable -Name $CACHE_VARIABLE_NAME -Scope Global -Value @{}

$cache = Get-Variable -Name $CACHE_VARIABLE_NAME -Scope Global
if (-not $cache.Value.ContainsKey($Key)) {
$cachedValue = &$ScriptBlock
$cache.Value[$Key] = $cachedValue
else {
$cachedValue = $cache.Value[$Key]


Note that a better name for this function might have been GetOrAdd-ScriptBlockResult - though that isn't an approved verb, so I went with 'Get'. Anyone have a better idea?

We use a global variable that holds a hashtable to act as our cache. The cache key is a string, and the value can be any object. The flow of the function is:

  • Check to see if the global variable exists, if not create it
  • Check to see if the cache key exists
    • If it doesn't exist then store the result of invoking the script block in the key
    • If it does exist, return the value in the cache

Aside: Why ScriptBlock vs. Objects?

The reason we use a ScriptBlock rather than an object is to keep the call site as neat as possible. If we'd have elected to make the cache function take objects as a parameter then the interaction would have looked like this:

# example of using an object cache instead
# before
$queryResults = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $serverInstance -query $query

# after
$databases = Get-CachedValue -Key $serverInstance
if(-not $databases) {
$databases = Invoke-SqlCmd -ServerInstance $serverInstance -Query $query
Add-CachedValue -Key $serverInstance -Value $databases

A tricky edge case here is what if the value cached is supposed to be null? We could change our Get-CachedValue function to return a success flag and instead pass a reference to an object we want our cache to populate. This, combined with the fact I wanted to make the caching as easy to add (and not require any logic changes) meant ScriptBlock was the winner.

Storing null values is why the Get-CachedScriptBlockResult tests for existence by looking at keys, not seeing if the value exists.

Testing the Cache

To ensure the cache worked as expected I added a few tests (with Pester, of course). Although basic, these did catch some edge cases and helped build the list of caveats. The below tests leverage Pester's mocking functionality, which let's us test that the ScriptBlock is invoked only once despite repeated calls.

You can view the full set of tests (which cover basic functionality and null caching) on GitHub.

Function Get-ExpensiveToComputeValue {

Describe "Get-CachedScriptBlockResult" {
Context "calls script block the correct number of times " {
BeforeAll {

Mock Get-ExpensiveToComputeValue { return "mocked" }

Get-CachedScriptBlockResult -Key "test" -ScriptBlock { Get-ExpensiveToComputeValue }

It "calls the function once to populate the cache" {
Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-ExpensiveToComputeValue -Times 1

Get-CachedScriptBlockResult -Key "test" -ScriptBlock { Get-ExpensiveToComputeValue }

It "doesn't call the function when the value is in the cache" {
Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-ExpensiveToComputeValue -Exactly -Times 1

Conclusion and Caveats

As with any piece of code the most important thing is correctness (and then somewhere behind that come performance and maintainability). If adding caching breaks correctness, you definitely have a problem! If there is no performance problem then avoid caching, as it will often do more harm than good.

Once you're sure caching is for you then take some time to understand the scope of global variables, and what is sharing your cache variable's name (perhaps avoid calling it something like $cache).

There are a few gotchas when it comes to caching and you'll definitely have issues if you expect caching to work via remoting or in a PowerShell job (serialization of ScriptBlocks won't work). You will also need to take care with any Pester tests you have that might need the cache resetting between examples (you'll notice above the call to Remove-SQLChecksCache - this clears the global variable).

With all that said - if you do have a good fit for caching the results can be spectacular. After implementing the cache our daily SQLChecks run came down from 20 minutes to less than 60 seconds. That benefit only grows as more tests are added, and so judiciously applied this technique can be a boon.

One ancillary benefit you get is the ability to inspect certain state (the cache is just a variable, take a look inside and see what your scripts are up to!).