Task-Based Effectiveness of Basic Visualizations is an excellent paper that compares and ranks different visualizations for various tasks based on accuracy, speed, and user preference. Figure 3 is an excellent summary. There is a summary available at The Morning Paper.
Not only does Tether and Bitfinex make a compelling case for the whole thing being a billion dollar fraud, it also servers as a great introduction to cryptocurrency exchanges.
Healthchecks at scale is a great example of how something trivial in the small gets very complicated, very quickly when the numbers get large.
Once upon a time I thought building technical leverage in an infrastructure team would be easy. Of course people were going to flock to the new, easier, better way of doing X. Experience has since disabused me of this notion, and the article Why New Technology Is A Hard Sell offers four compelling explanations, highlighting that being technically superior isn't enough.
John Cutler is always sharing thought provoking ideas in the product management space. The shifts from waterfall to product team is an interesting framework when thinking through what kinds of handoffs exist, and where.
I've been iterating on weekly updates for a while now (this link post represents the most recent change - rather than an internal linkdump they're now public). I always enjoy reading about how other people approach them.